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New Features

Here are some of the latest features we added to our Wjewel Jewelry Store Management Software:
- Scan a driver's license and we will capture the customer's name, address, driver's license #, etc. with 100% accuracy.
- Import vendor invoice, or consignment info using an Excel sheet
- Integration with Shopify.
- Bridal registry functions.
- We can now handle any "luxury tax" implemented by your state, for example it is 7% for items up to $1000, then 8% for $1000 to $2000 pieces, etc. Even different sales tax rates for watches vs. jewelry, ...
- Scrap gold buy, pay user by check or cash, or use it as a trade in on a new sale.
- Get an automatic email anytime a sales over a certain amount is made in the store.
- Search your inventory using a "key word" we will find the item no matter where that word was entered (examples: as vendor style style#, or part of the description, or the stone type,..)
- Keep track of average number / amount of sales by hour of the day and day of the week.
- Ability to limit a salesrep to see customers of one store only.
- Text your customers when their repair or special order is ready
- Text a customer after a sales, with a link to leave you feedback.
- Split commission of a sales between up to 3 salesreps.
- Offer extended Service Plans, or Jewelers' Mutual Repair Warranty.

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